
happens to all of us.

- happens to men by all genders,

- happens in same-sex relationships,

- happens to the and in the Transgender community,

- happens to the and in the Bisexual community,

- happens to kids, teens, adults, and elders by those of all ages,

- happens to all races, ethnicities, and heritages by all races, ethnicities, and heritages,

- happens in every income level,

- happens in every religious practice,

- happens to children by adults of all genders and by other children,

- happens to women by all genders.

It happens to all of us.

Domestic abuse
is not just physical

Domestic abuse is holding power over someone in order to control them. That power can be any, all, or any combination of:


1 in 3 women
and 1 in 4 men have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner.

*And yes:

- slapping,
- shoving,
- pushing, and other
- "oh, that's not a big deal" behavior

is a absolutely a big deal:

because all of it is absolutely physical violence.

*statistics from 2010 CDC Report

Members of the LGBTQ community experience domestic abuse within their relationships at the same rate as the those outside the community.

*statistics from 2010 CDC Report

Nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States.

That works out to 10 million abused people in the USA in just one year.


of abuse

- them being overly controlling and possessive

- them blaming you for their aggression

- them isolating you from your friends and family

- them losing their temper easily

- them being extremely jealous

- them downplaying their violence

*These are only a few signs. There are many other indicators and red flags of abuse.


it's so hard
to leave

1. Many don't recognize they are in an abusive relationship - so they don't leave.

2. Many others fully see they are in an abusive relationship - but they feel they can't leave.


Because, for very valid reasons, they feel:

--they can't afford too,

-they will be homeless,

-they may never see their kids again,

-they'll be chased and stalked

-they won't be

-----listened to,

-----believed, or

-----supported by their friends / family / police / church /
or community.

"After they hurt my son, I couldn't push off the decision anymore. I had to decide:

decide to crumble in defeat or get up and defy."
"It began when I was around 6 or 7, And It didn't stop until I made it stop years later.

I made it stop by making a choice.

I choose to leave.

I choose to defy."
"To be honest, it took me a long time to see how all these small acts formed a huge pattern.

It took so long because the biggest thing I had to overcome wasn't leaving them - it was overcoming the voice in my head that said 'YOu deserve this and you sure don't deserve anything better.'

one of the scariest, hardest things i've ever done is stepping up and challening that voice.

But I did it. I stood up, and I defied."


the inherent dignity of all people


safety and dignity to all those affected by domestic abuse and violence

interrupt & dismantle:

the personal, communal, and cultural catalysts of domestic abuse and violence.

Call us:

*free & confidential


- for immediate help during a crisis

- for answers to any of your questions

- for someone to talk to even when you feel you can't talk to anyone

*we take every covid precaution such as social distancing, face masks, and zero contact when applicable.

Read more:

join us:

(in anyway you can)